09/19/2009. POST YOUR PICTURES!!!

Welcome to Whoville. :smiley:

Okay J I couldn’t resist(lol)… Though I’ve worn these out several times over, here’s a couple from last year and one recent pic for the newer members :smiley:
Danse Macabre.JPG
Jay Muzz :rock:

Awesome pictures EVERYONE!!!
Sweet pictures Jay! I love that classic '78 shot man, that looks, well, CLASSIC!! :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:
I took a bunch of new H-78 costume shots last night, I like these 2 shots…

Sweet pics gang! :smiley:

Thank’s J :smiley: And your new pics are killer :rock: Your’s too Todd… Very cool!

Come on Matt…now there’s no need to be a Grinch :laughing:

My alltime favorite pic of you Jay!

Hey thanks Jay! :smiley:

Wish I had some costume shots to share but unfortunately I do not. Nick was kind enough to send me these awesome pictures of my soon to be Mint 75. Should be in the mail to me by the middle of the week. I can’t wait to get my hands on this guy! :rock:

Michael thats looks wicked!

Great pics everyone…N.A.G.ul75 JC #6

I just can’t get enough of this mask! :open_mouth:

Thank you Brent buddy :smiley:
Jay Muzz