Need your help on this guys…I am in a haunted house her in Indiana called “The Elwood Sanitarium”…it is in an old abandoned nursing home…VERY creepy! Anyway…I have a big long hallway all to myself and a nurses station and I have two 750 watt strobe lights facing me…my question is, would you rather have the original H2 coming towards you or the 2009 H2 remake? These past few weeks, I have been the 2009 but, I may switch it up next weekend…
MOST of the costumes being used in the haunt are screen accurate…Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Pennywise, we also have a 7 ft tall werewolf costume made by splatterFX…if you guys are around Indiana, check us out!!
it depends on the style of the rest of the haunted house. iff it is very brutal and in your fae i would use the rz. iff it is “creepy” and suspense based id go with the warlock.
Ill say RZ h2 but for one reason, you can do more with him to scare the piss out of people. Ypu can move faster, grunt, charge and be more violent looking. The 81 H2 myers is scary but slow and he might not scare as many people