Heres some Minty goodness
I dont know what draws me to h3 but i juss love it. this mask is epic. So stoked its Oct 1 this mornin around 6am it was cold the sun was comin up and the air was real smooth and crisp just felt like an excellent halloweeny feel. espicailly since its been so hott here in so cal. wanted to pop in donnie darko and particpate in a wake n bake but had school tonight or tommorrow perhaps.
Wow, great pics as usual, everyone!
YAY! Autumn is HERE!
I’m am so pumped it’s October today, 30 days until the night he comes home…
All these pics could get anyone pumped!
Shouldn’t be a very long flight. MUAHAHAH!
Here’s an old friend of yours.
Sorry Erik, the airport is closed. But you should be able to send that NM78 without any problems.
uh huh huh uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sheesh that is amazing. Merry Christmas to me! Box it up Reuben.
That’s Marvellous…
It’s on it’s way little bro!
By the way we have trapeze practice tomorrow night at Bingo O Malleys dubious circus of assorted sundry mild amusement, 7pm sharp Rondo!