2005 Psycho Reigns King?

As much as I love my 2013 NightOwl/JC Shat, I took the old '05 Psycho out for some quick shots and man… this thing still screams '78 to me more than any other mask. I have 2 spots with JC coming up very soon and I’m thinking I will go H2 on both because I forgot just how well this mask captures that H1 essence :drinkers:

I have gotten crazy offers but I don’t think I’ll ever let go of this first run copy. Truly a staple of this hobby and I’m honored to own all these old NightOwl gems :rock: love this hobby and all you guys and it’s masks like this that make me proud to still be here today


Appreciate it brother. Great to have you in the hobby and awesome to have so many people still hanging around. When I realized it was 2019 it just took my breath away realizing this mask is nearly 15 years old! This hobby has come so far over the past decade and a half but man the origin mask for me will always hold a special place in my heart


It is closer to the hero than most any mask since.

Looks great man!

I truly feel the same way. I have always had a soft spot since the 4 Stamp really got me into the hobby but man I see so many different H1 scenes in this sculpt! I love my Shat and thankfully Justin made me a large so I can wear it but for display it really is hard to beat these 2005 Psychos

That is a fine mask no doubt Lance. Costume shots!? :pumpkin: :drinkers:

I’ll get some soon brother! Definitely going to be hard to compare with your shots though :drinkers: I’ll do my best! Gonna try the advice you gave me and have a solo shoot with this and the Shat one day this week

Awesome. Look forward to seeing them! :pumpkin: :myers: