I just came across this while looking around. Stated new for 2019 by artist Josh Hofmann. H40 mask for 45.99. Fits heads 22.8 - 24.4 Just thought I’d post it
I’m personally not a fan of this one, looks like an h6 with h18 scars imo
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Honestly it looks like the “Rubies” mask that was going around a while back
Looks like the shitty 1 you see on ebay lol
Actually thats exactly the same mask isnt it ffs lmao
Its the chinese one from ebay they sell’em for like $10
I was actually thinking about grabbing one off ebay for like 20 bucks because It’s the closest I can find to a TOTS H40 and I can’t afford one of them because Australia haha. The scarring is fairly accurate but there’s something about the mold that isn’t quite right. It’s something with the chin/jawline/mouth but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I wonder what it’d look like if it were rehauled like a lot of TOTS H40s are…
Hey bro…don’t wast your time or money on this mask!! It is a Chinese mask made by some company called “trippy lights” and being sold as an “official” mask. The guy named Josh Hofmann claims to be the artist doing these but it is a down right lie. They are Chinese junk thats all!!
You can wait till they are sold on Amazon again, It may cost a lot, but you gotta expect it
Yeah I’m full aware it’s not official. Thanks for the heads up though.
No offense but this mask looks like is some mongoloid sickness
I think if you were on really tight budget, this might work for some people. Not a big fan… sorry.