2019 Night Owl Creep

The recent creeps I have been seeing look amazing. I think they have been taken to a new level.

This is awesome! Definitely his latest best mask!

Yes, me too! Still, overall, the most accurate sculpt in my collection… smh

Super nice! Do you know what the size of it is?

This thing looks insane. If mine looks anything like that I’ll be extremely happy.

Looks awesome your pictures show it off perfectly ,managed to get my own copy several yr’s ago from an eBay seller over here in the UK , takes pride of place in my modest little collection .

Great mask congrats!

Man! :open_mouth: I love my creep :wink:) 2010!!

Both masks look amazing

i love the ghostly look, good to see mabry does nice work after years of some … hmm hmm… rushed finishes.

Definitely a great mask :jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:

Anyone received theirs yet from orders placed at the beginning of the year? Wondering where we’re at right now with orders.

I am still waiting from order in the beginning of February