3/5/10 Pics of the day

Ghosthunting = the shit! :wink:

:rock: :supz:

So understand
Don’t waste your time always searching for those wasted years
Face up… make your stand
And realize you’re living in the golden years… :smiling_imp: :mrgreen:

Before :stuck_out_tongue:

After :cry:

Distortions Unlimited 1982 Nightmare 3

Awesome Billy :sunglasses:
Didn’t they have different versions of this mask?
4 versions??

What would be really cool, is if one of our great mask makers on this board would make an full on over the head Eddie Maiden mask, now that would be kick ass… Dean

5 versions, and they get BIGGER as they go and turn into the demon.

Didn’t know the demon part :astonished:

They actually did sell Eddie masks :slight_smile:
Don’t know which company produced them though.

Thanx Man. :drinkers:

Nice pics guys!

Friday fun pic :slight_smile:

Wow :stuck_out_tongue: Lot’s of good stuff to look at in this thread. Love all the Eddie pics. :smiley:

one of my fav songs donnie :rock: :rock:

Great pics Gang… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I personally loved it.

If you like Tim Burton then it’s definitely worth checking out. :sunglasses:

I want that su2 :open_mouth:

That’s a Classic, not a Screenused II.