3/9/2010 pics of the day

Anybody have some?

Beauties guys! :rock:



I really like your distinctive style Roger!

Thanks Flo. The blood on that glove takes it to a whole other level. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:

My best mask ever…for sale

Thank you Roger!!
:rock: :rock:
that LF pretty woman is Sick :open_mouth:

:rock: :rock:

The good ole days :sunglasses:


Ain’t it true kaizu! :smiley:

I haven’t put this jacket on in yeeeears! I hand painted this one back in "87 I believe it was with our sign painters enamel. I used the POM cassette sleeve for reference and the artwork is backwards compared to todays stuff :mrgreen: Everyone else had the cheesy iron on album art on their jackets but I was Mac dut-dut-daddy!! Yep, I thought I was hot $&!t at all the concerts with this one on :laughing: Wait a minute… I was! :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:

Proof of reversed artwork :mrgreen:

:astonished: :astonished: :rock:
I also had that on Cassette.lol
Now on CD :sunglasses:
That looks awesome JC!

Yes sir & i can see good ole Izzy when he was still w/ them.

Ah yes the memories… I had forgotton how everyone use to put album art on the back of their jackets :rock:
That looks awesome James! :rock:

I’ll have to find stuff I still have from this time and take a few pics. G N R, VH, Maidan, Aerosmith, Kiss and a couple hundred other shows. Back when shows were $15.00- 25.00. And not only the jackets, but scarves tied around your neck :open_mouth: , your wrists etc, a la Steven Tyler. Jerseys. Patches all over your pants a la Eddie Van Halen. Shirts with sleeves ripped off! :open_mouth: :blush: :laughing:

Wicked pics, everyone.

Paul, that Butcher pic is insane!

James, that jacket rocks! I love Maiden! :supz: :rock:

An oldie, but a goodie… :sunglasses:

Nice pics everyone :rock:
Fall shot H78.jpg
JC NAG H78,,,,,,,,,,.jpg