#3 HSS H9 IS IN! Costume Pics (heavy)

Hey guys snapped a few pics of this beaut that just came in today. By far this is the best mask i have ever owned, simply not because of the sculpt but it has a more screenused feel than a replica mask feel. I love the rough texture and how thin the pull is, and it captures so many of the film looks. Thank you Sam for creating one if not the best Toth Sculpt and also for making the neck the right length and not a giraffe neck like so many RZ masks :drinkers: :drinkers:

p.s. i didn’t have my GF with me tonight so i had to take timed pictures, so forgive me if they are not too great.


congrats on the score bud

Very nice dude.

Thanks bro, im glad i broke down and got this beaut.

beautiful man!

great score man, looks real good. i think i equally like that chuck norris poster on your door :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: not even michael can withstand the force of Chuck Norris


And on the 8th day God created Chuck Norris. :drinkers:

When Chuck Norris exercises, the machine gets stronger :drinkers:

I didnt get a chance to post pics yet but I got mine 2 days ago and bro you’re 100% right on…the amazing thin pull and texture of this mask makes it feel like a used mask from the film itself. GREAT work by Sam once again!
btw your pics rock bro!

Thanks bro, and i totaly agree. I can’t stop walking up to it and admiring it. The texture is just outstanding, and it pulls off so many looks.

Totally awesome! :rock: