30 Years of Terror Pictures

Hey everyone,

I was going through one of my friend’s sites and here are some pictures he took at the 30 Year Convention:

I’m almost done transcribing the coupe de villes records (lyrics) and will be getting the audio of Alan Howarth’s performance up so everyone can have a nice lossless copy of it. That’s my holiday treat for everyone here. I will have it up here on christmas eve :slight_smile:

Cool! I had not noticed all the carved pumkins in previous pics. :rock: :rock: :rock:

Thanks for sharing. In the bottom picture, who is the guy holding the microphone?

Will Sandin. :smiley:

Oh wow, that’s pretty killer…I just looked him up on IMDB and Halloween was the only acting thing he ever did? Interesting.

Awesome! I made it to one of those pics! I’m the guy holding the yellow and black back-pack infront of the guy in black coveralls holding the DP cheapie!
One of the best times of my life. It was so awesome being there!

Man that looked like a whole bunch of fun. I wonder if the people that live in those houses ever get tired of strangers wanting to take their pictures in front of their homes. Lol

Great pics bud…thanks for sharing,wish I was able to make it to that convention…You Lucky
Bastards who went… :smiley:


No problem! I have a lot of video footage - a special clip of Sherrif Brackett saying his famous line - i have it on video. After my final this Thursday, my next few weekends will be spent on getting some footage up for you guys. I can honestly say that going to this was probably the best vacation of my life. It was so strange and yet awesome that I felt like I knew these locations and people like i’ve met them or been there before. I’ll never forget that friday after the convention, my friend and I took a train to hollywood blvd (this was my first time in california btw), and we passed the myers house on the train. So that saturday (before the VIP party) we took the train and got off the stop at the Myers house and hardware store. We walked around those streets for maybe an hour or so just wandering around. We revisited the strode house and it was just so surreal. H1 78 and H2 81 are probably my favorite movies of all time, i can watch them both nonstop and never get sick of them. There was just something about being there and having Dick Warlock and Charlie Cyphers and Brian Andrews go along with us on the tour was just one of those experiences that one will never forget. I really hope there is a 35 year convention. I’m going to the Texas Frightmare Weekend, even though John Carpenter will be there, I have a feeling that there will be nothing quite like that H30 experience for me. A chance to meet nearly everyone in the series besides JC, JLC and Donald Pleasance, is probably impossible to top. I have loads more pictures and video. In the next two weeks i’ll be getting them up on my own site, as well as the Alan Howarth conert in flac format, plus some new awesome videos of the convention.

Just curious, is anyone else going to Texas Frightmare Weekend?

Right on nice pics, you can see me and Donnie in the overhead shot waiting for Kathleen Kinmont - I had her sign my original Halloween 4 One Sheet and Donnie is right in front of me :slight_smile:

i made it to one of them pictures LOL

Im going to TFW, i’ll be dressed up too. Where you at Donnie, you going?

I’ll be at TFW, too. :smiley: And Brandon, I don’t want to speak for Donnie, but as far as I know he’s going, too, and is sharing a room with me and my husband. I’m not going to dress up, that’s for you guys to do…maybe I’ll find a nice hospital gown though. :wink: :sunglasses:

Sweet cant wait to go and see you guys there again. Maybe we’ll make the juicy paper again :laughing: