30th part deux - WarlocK Edition New Pics Page 4!!

It’s amazing what some fantastic finishing can do to a mask. I had a feeling this sculpt would pop with some great paint, and Chad came through.

Here are a few of his pics, I’ll post some more when the mask arrives.

That looks a shit load better my man. I really dig the paint.

That looks great bro! Chad really brought the details right out. It’s amazing what some weathering can do :open_mouth: When I get some extra cash, I’m having mine done too. Congrats on the new mask :smiley:

The 30th mask actually looks better in person that I thought it would. It was fun to work with and I’m glad you dig the repaint! It really captures that Castle-likeness when you take pics from a lower angle. Sorry I couldn’t get better pics since my SLR is no longer w/ me. I’m sure you’ll get some good ones yourself.

If anyone else out there is in the market for a paintup, feel free to PM me. I’m moving away from hocks and more into Myers and other projects now.


:rolleyes: =CHAD= :rolleyes:

Congrats man, Chad did justice for sure :sunglasses:
That looks great!


LOL… it’s all good man. I’m not going to just quit on hocks altogether, but I find latex more fun to work with at this point. And Myers has really always been my passion.

This is the way this mask SHOULD look! Warlock did an amazing detailed paintjob, Congrats!

Great lookin mask!!! I really LOve it!!!

Thanks a bunch for all of the compliments guys. I agree, Chad hammered this out of the park and I could not be happier.

I can’t wait to see it in person. :open_mouth:

oh yeah that looks alot better. nice work chad. congrats man :drinkers:

looks amazing Jeremy wow :open_mouth: great work Chad…

yeah Chad did an awesome job on it
wasnt really shure about this mask till I saw this

Yeah!!! Muuuuuuch better!!! Now I’m looking forward again to get mine!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yea man, that looks fantastic :smiley: congrats and well done, CHAD!

I agree with everyone else. Chad did an awesome job!! The finishing really touches the mask up nicely.

Looks way better now. :wink:

Chad did a great job on that mask man, congrats! It looks way better now,


That’s fantastic

The 30th really has a good Second Stab vibe to it… but again, it’s all in the paint job. They each possess that classic Castle look, but a sweet paint job like this definitely brings out the goods! Very nice work!

i did see the STAB vibe as well! CHAD man you brought that corpse to life! looks bad ass and ready to rumble now!