I couldn’t resist. Here are a couple Don Post 99 Kirks I got about a week ago from Sam McCain.
Wanted to get an extra copy in case I wanted to convert it down the road. They are so nice I doubt it, though.
The middle is a blank I got off e bay years ago. Thanks Sam for these beauties and thanks to Darrin for resurrecting
the 99’s for us to enjoy.V/R,ellis.
Love those '99s! I must own one someday
That is awesomess right there. i would love to get one with blond mohair.
Those are some good lookin masks you got there ellis. Thanks for the pic
Awesome ‘99’s!
I just managed to pick up some blanks and will be Kirkin’ it up soon!
Great score!
Love the 99s…The’re just so cool!!
Awesome trio!
Those are fantastic. I love Sam’s finishing work on the 99s.
Your right CBK, your NAG/2K is total Grailage.MM ber’s that collect the Kirk’s are the difinitive coniseurs in the community IMO \m/
The 99’s are just fantastico and these look just grrrrrreat!
nice masks man. surely out of 3 you can bring yourself to convert one of them
Yeah,bud that was the idea,but when i got them i was like i do not know if i can bring myself to desecrate these boys.
they look awesome man! but i am sure you don’t need all of them for yourself, so i’ll be happy to take one off your hands, free of charge, lol
Thanks Mt Man.If anyone deserves/needs a nice mask it’s you.
How much $ n how do I get one?
Three 99 Shatners? That’s nuts!
BEST Kirk mask I have ever seen besides the real 75!
Sam’s paint & hairing are the best!
-Big D
Exactly my thought.
Come on… You know you want to.
Thanks,glad your OK.I was going to send you 60$
Yeah those 99’s are Amazing,Sam did them up so well
I don’t really want to touch them.Did you get your PP
ironed out?If so i’d like to use it.V/R,ellis.