It’s that time again my friends! Just got another piece in the mail, this is the ToTS overhaul by Se7enSins Studios I had sent out about 3 weeks ago. I could not be more happy with this piece. It captures Halloween 2018 for me perfectly! The artist and I were in communication the whole way through, it it was a most pleasent experience overall. Here are a few pics to try and share with you the level of work. If only a camera did this thing justice… Enjoy!
Thanks man, I appreciate it! They were great, and they had what I was looking for so I went with them. Even all the little meticulous details were thanks to what he offered.
That looks great brother. I really need to send mine off for an overhaul, but have to wait until new house is built first so I have permanent address lol
I know how it is! I received this in October, and had to wait until the beginning of March to send it off. Bills and what not, but totally worth the wait!
I stripped about 70% of it by hand, along with the hair. I sent it off to him and he got the harder 30% of it. The hair on this is 100% mohair as well, and it really just ties the whole piece up like a bow on top, haha!