7S/ToTS H40 Overhaul. (Pics)

It’s that time again my friends! Just got another piece in the mail, this is the ToTS overhaul by Se7enSins Studios I had sent out about 3 weeks ago. I could not be more happy with this piece. It captures Halloween 2018 for me perfectly! The artist and I were in communication the whole way through, it it was a most pleasent experience overall. Here are a few pics to try and share with you the level of work. If only a camera did this thing justice… Enjoy!



A few more…



Looks great! How much did it set you back?

Here is a good shot to show. This thing really does switch it up if you switch up the light.

There are a few different options. this was worth the money in my opinion. You can always ask him on IG what your options are.

Thanks, haha! For some reason when I post pictures they rotate left.

:rock: :drinkers:

Looks great!!

Thank you Michael! It was well worth the money, and not a bad wait.

Damn, that looks screen used!

Very cool!!

Thank you! Once he got it, once he starts it is ony about 7 or 8 days! That is if there is no one in front of you. Still though, thanks!

Truly one of the best H40 overhauls I have seen. Gorgeous conversion that in the right light can pull off tons of screen used looks

Thanks man, I appreciate it! They were great, and they had what I was looking for so I went with them. Even all the little meticulous details were thanks to what he offered.

Looking good. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the kind words!


That looks great brother. I really need to send mine off for an overhaul, but have to wait until new house is built first so I have permanent address lol

I know how it is! I received this in October, and had to wait until the beginning of March to send it off. Bills and what not, but totally worth the wait!

On this one did he strip the original tots paint and does he do anything to the hair?

I stripped about 70% of it by hand, along with the hair. I sent it off to him and he got the harder 30% of it. The hair on this is 100% mohair as well, and it really just ties the whole piece up like a bow on top, haha!

I know you cant quote prices or anything on this board but is it less than 300$?