Dude, have you seen anything produced by Rubies or Paper Magic Group in the last 20+ years?
The TOTS H1 almost feels like a sharper, angrier NightOwl Closet Monster, or even a toned down NightOwl Thrasher. Personally, I think we can all agree that even if it’s not 100% H1, it’s 100% Justin Mabry awesomeness. A great addition to Mabry’s line up.
I feel like the forehead is too big or something, maybe the hairline is too high. The face itself I really like, it does have a certain Maniac/ClosetMonster/NightOwl mask look to it,…but that’s fine. Nothing wrong with that.
I’m not feeling anything but the H4 even for mass production. The H1 is just off to me. Someone pointed out it resembling the Thrasher and I agree. I will hold off. Maybe if my local stores get one or two early enough I’ll buy from them rather than preorder now.