ok tried opening my mouth inside my classic to see if it could pull off a “classic” castle look. Please excuse the terrible camera and my girlfriend’s shaky hands!
Aweomse! LOVE IT! That mask rules
Holy Crap!!! I think I just shat myself lmao. I love the 4th pic down, it has the castle look all the way!!! Dean
Great pics!!!
Great pics man, I like them.
Nice eye candy right there.
No wonder she was shaking, I would be shaking in fright if I saw you walking down the street.
Awesome pics mate! Great Mask!
Awesome pics man!
you’ve nailed it just about as good as anyone ever will! where can I get one of these masks?
Thanks guys! I must admit I was surprised how much this mask can change shape, it almost looks completley different when stretched.
ZST its a classic kirk 75 converted by JC, so you can get the mask from NAG.
Spot on dude!
Can’t believe this isn’t getting more replies
4th pic down… dead ringer for Castle!!
a deleted scene from the movie?
nice pics man. that classic is a nice mask
Hey thanks guys for the great comments!
josephchoi I really like the black and white grainy photo you did, looks very authentic .
Great pics, the second last one gives off a great Castle, and the last photo has a bit of Dick Warlock in it. Great mask!!!
Thanks man! It’s a never-before-scene behind-the-scene picture
You have inspired me! Just in picture manager lol. But man black and white gives it an edge!
Love it! What mask is this that you have?
Thats one hell of a castle stretch!
Love it! What mask is this that you have?
Thanks, its a classic kirk 75 converted by JC