Hello everyone Im sorry I didnt post a reply yesterday. I went and met with the guy and then I was at my new house painting and mudding the walls all day long yea fun fun!! Anyways guys I met with the son and he brought me inside the old store and we first checked out the storage room. All that was in there were a few boxes that had some corny halloween make-up and witches wands/hats crap like that. So room 1 was a Strike 1 so then we headed up to the attic. There were a lot more boxes up there so I started to snoop and sure enough there was that box labeled “Star Trek Masks” I quickly whipped open the lid and inside was just a lump of peach latex with a chunk of blonde hair on it. DAMN, IT WAS A KIRK PROBLY AND THE DARN CLIMATE IN THE ATTIC ATE IT FOR BREAKFAST!!! So after having that break my heart I started to check out the other boxes hoping to find some rare masks. Nothing was in them but more halloween makeup and the old “el cheapo” corpse masks and whatnot. Nothing worth grabbing due to them all being distorted from the constant hot and cold weather in the attic. So at the end I shook his hand said thanx and we both went our seperate ways. I was going to take the latex chunk out of the box but it was like it glued itself to the side of the cardboard box and it ripped even more when I tried grabbing it out. So guys that were waiting for my update again Im so so sorry I didnt get this to you yesterday. I was never so excited in my whole life and I was sooooo crushed yesterday lol. I appreciate all the support from you guys though and keeping my hopes up. Someday I will find my grail!!! Thanks again Brent
No worries
It was fun dreaming about it though…lol
what a let down. just think … any one of us could be closer then we think to a 75 kirk.
That sucks Brent!
Sorry to hear the outcome.
At least you went to find out though.
Even though that mask that may be a kirk, is distroyed, you should go back there at snag it just for the hair, is he far from you?
That’s too bad, sorry it didn’t work out.
That sucks!
I agree, until you find a holy grail still intact. You could use the hair on a H78 or a Krik from Nik, JC, AHG, and others could really do some amazing things. Trust me the hair type would be a hell of an improvement on the mask. If you don’t want to use it contact one of the guys, I know there are several people here (Myself included) thatt would love to get a hold of that hair.
sorry you didn’t find anything man, such a shame, oh well, there are still some great masks out there that are waiting to be found
Darn, too bad! An interesting story anyways, thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh well, it was nice thinking about what may have been, Sorry for the let down
Sorry to hear that Brant!
-Big D
Shit man so close! Sorry to hear that man.
I wouldnt care what the think looked like. He would of probaly gave it too you. Kirk hair is impossible too find. any pics?
Aww, man. That sucks. Still, it was fun while it lasted
i would have snagged it anyway.even if it were to just take pics for the guys here…tommy
DAMN! That sucks!!
This is the ultimate bitch.
i died a little inside… but you definitely should go back for the hair!