Acrylic Frames Add Class!

I saw on Nightowl the other day a gentleman went out and purchased some Acrylic Frames and then printed off some posters scans from around the net for display next to his masks. I thought it was a great idea so I did the same; I have a TON of stills, posters and slides so I used my trusty Epson Perfection V700 Photo Scanner and my Epson Stylus Photo R2880 and made some nice 4x6 display pieces. I’m not all the way there yet, but getting close.

I like that, great display and awesome masks & busts Billy!

Looks food man. Adds a little something I’d say. :drinkers:

BEAUTIFUL displays, Billy. Those really look great!

they look cool, and awsome collection… Dean

Very cool, Billy! Those pics really are a nice touch! :sunglasses: :smiley:
It’s always nice to see your collection! :rock:

Looks great man!

That is cool! I never get tired of looking at your collection…

Great display. You can’t go wrong with the glass cabinets. Looks awesome.

Nice displays Billy! Man… that was you that snagged that DP clown on eBay? You outbid me… I thought that guy wouldn’t have sold for more than $100, I was wrong.

Very cool! Allows for some creativity.

I was thinking of doing that myself after i get my cases.looks good man!

I got the cheepie DPS ‘clown’ mask for $40 on eBay; I think you have it confused with another auction.

Thanks for the kudos everyone!

IKEA RULES!!! get display

Sweet display Billy :astonished:
Those frames add the cherry on top for sure!
What is that Myers onthe bottom under the pumpkin??
Do I see side burns?

It was a great idea by Wayne to think of these plaque.
They all look sweet man! a great buzz for any collection.

Nice to see you still have the hock Billy!

Awesome stuff Billy! What is that second Jaws Maquette? Did Sideshow release one from Part 2?

Nice snag! Yeah, there was another one that popped up about 2-3 weeks ago that went for around $165 or so. Out of my range for a ‘cheapie’, but I love the look.

Very Nice Man. :rock: