Added some flesh tones to my Rage

This was my first time adding these…so what do you think? Too orange?

Naw man, just work on your blending & you’ll have it going on in my humble opinion! :smiley: Can’t wait to see what you produce further wise as well as any adjustments you may make to this one! :slight_smile:

yeah bro , they are slightly orange but u cant really tell…looks good!

Thanks guys! And I’ll be doing more work on this mask, I’m going for a part 2 look. I’ll sand off the paint on the eyebrows and turn the hair blond. This mask is so fun to work with, and for the price you just can’t beat it.

Looks good but you should mke them tones more of a pinkish color and paint it a bit more subtle just between overboard and too light if you know what I mean. Also some more weathering should be added to the tones. Other than that looking good bro.

For your first time I’d say not that bad at all. In the future maybe a bit less will be more if you get what I’m saying.

Needs to be a little lighter and work on blenign but a great first try indeed! :smiley:

Looks like he got slapped with a mustard bomb…Just kidding…Lighten it up and blend it in :smiley:

haha yeah yeah, I know.

I added a lot of weathering to the flesh tones and took the paint off the eyebrows. All I need now is to turn the hair blond. Does anyone know how to dye camel hair? I tried regular hair dye and hydrogen peroxide, but nothing seems to work.