Address question about international shipment

Anyone on here that uses a PO Box, how do you have to put your address when getting a mask from NAG?

I obviously know people here have gotten masks before from Nik, is this the correct way for me to write my shipping address for him? I do not want my mask to get lost, so I’m just making sure.

P.O. BOX 103

Is this the correct way to write it for him so it will get here properly?

Thats it.Shouldnt be a problem.Call the post office and ask if your to worried about it.

I can’t call my PO, they are closed for the evening. Nik just got ahold of me and said my address didn’t look right and I’d given him the exact same address noted here. He said the address seemed incomplete to him, and he noted the PO Box when he said that.

Nik’s prob not used to P.O boxes, just tell him it’s not ur home adress, but rather an adress at the post office. tell him the P.O stands for post office box, but when he sends it to ya to just put P.O BOX, and that he doesn’t need to write it out, If he’s still confused, ask one of the mods to help you out with it, i’m sure someone in the mod team wouldn’t mind helping out… Dean