Advice needed about a NAG/C.M

So when looking around on the bay i found this imo BEAST looking NAG/C.M H78, it’s pretty pricy tho, it’s starting at 450$, so i’m wondering, if i could order a NAG H78 blank and get it converted by Chris Morgan, how much would this approx. cost me?


Here’s the Ebay one:

You’re looking at around the same for your own conversion. A blank from Nik is probably going to be $300 (last I’d heard), and a conversion from Chris is probably going to equal out to about $150-$200. You’d have to ask Chris for a sure price.

Alright man, thx :wink:

Nowhere near 300 for a blank off Nik, check in with him^^^, you will get one for around $200 :bulb:

Yea i mailed him, no response yet tho. But with all the shipping costs i’ll come out on the same price i think.

I don’t think Nik ships to Chris Morgan, if that is who you are planning sending the blank to ?

That was my plan yes, cuz i live in the EU aswell as Nic, so it would save me a shipping trip haha

In that case just enquire to see if he will be willing to ship to Mr Morgan, and yes his shipping is usually inclusive with the price of the blanks, i always send my paypal money payment to him as a gift since he includes the price of shipping, don’t worry if you do that as he is very trust worthy and you are in good hands.

Alright man thx, i hope i get a respond soon from nic :slight_smile:

Alright man thx, i hope i get a respond soon from nic :slight_smile:

Try a pm on this site I did both and he only responded to me through the site

Hey brother Id be more than willing to do a conversion for you!

I have done a few nag H78’s, cover masks, 75k’s etc and I have zero problems working on them…if he will send to me :frowning:

That would be awesome, how much would a H78 conversion be, the same as that one i saw on ebay?

Pm sent friend!!

H78 and H78 re-tool blanks are $200. I only know because I recently asked Nik about the prices of several masks.

Why wouldn’t he ship you blanks?