All New collection pics for 2010

Your KH is just sick! Love it man!

Damn nice collection Jon, thanks for sharing :smiley:

The Sgt. Fang ANH vader. Nice finish work.

I’ll have to shoot you some pics of my TM Vader helmet some time. :mrgreen:

Great collection Jon! Lots of rare ones! :smiley:

Mouth watering actually!


Great stuff!

Thank you EVERYONE :slight_smile:

This will be the bulk of my collection…only a few more scores here and there…
Time to slow down a bit.

Thanks again and take care :rock:

Sure it will be Jon…sure. :wink:

Don’t kid yourself!!! :laughing:

Good stuff Jon. That’s awesome

Ah Hahahahhahahhahaha

Nice collection jerky.

sweet setup jon. i enjoy seeing alot of different non myers items in a collection. :drinkers: