This guy did not want the flesh tones like i did on stutterk’s copy. He wanted it white with just light weathering…still gotta hair’em up…opinions?

Looks great! :mrgreen:

:axe: :rock: :rock:

lando loves it :rock:

Nice!!! :rock:

I like it. Nice paint work

Lookin good Chris,

two more

I love the look of the seventy eight

I’m starting to like these more & more. C’mon Chris convince me :laughing:

HERE is another style SEVENTY EIGHT… :wink:

convinced yet? :slight_smile:

I really like the version with the fleshtones better Chris, but it’s still a great mask. You just can’t beat the fleshtones for a real Myers feel

i like both! extremely good job bro!!

thanks Ron and Greg!

i like them both ways too…each one captures a different feel. I’m glad to have had 3 of these orders this week, gave me a break from H6’s :slight_smile:

I really like the look on that mask.

finished mask :slight_smile:

on his way to his new home tomorrow

that looks killer Chris.

They just keep getting better.

Pure sweetness, buddy. These are looking REALLY GOOD.

looks great bro, love the paintjob on these mask

thanks alot! I’ve been debating after seeing these to make one for myself, but the question is…which style? LOL Flesh or no flesh