Any Tots Kirk H4 Conversion Tips?

I’m planning on getting 3 ToTs Kirks, one of them I’m planning on rehauling into an H4, any tips about the hair, eye cuts and paint? I’m mainly curious about the sideburns and eyebrows and how you keep them and change the color of them or add your own eyebrows and sideburns

The eyebrows were painted on in H4 so the same as painting it white half latex half dark drown paint in a cup.

For glueing on hair and sideburns you can use a glue called E6000 or shoe goo
squirt a line on the mask lay the hair on in strips press the hair into the glue with a posicle stick.

Sideburns are the same as the hairline, Just trace where they go halfway down middle of the ear.
make a glue line, lay the strip of hair horizontally.

When I add the sideburns I glue down a strip of hair that covers/draps over the whole ear.
Then pretend your a barber, get some scissors and cut and trim the hair around the ear

Michael Lubatti on Facebook is your man for tips on this. He has done some wild Kirk to H4 conversions, both clean and worn looks. He may have an account here just not totally sure

He does, his name here is simply SLASH.

Yo I had no idea SLASH was Michael Lubatti! I got the idea for my Rubies H5 overhaul from him, never knew it was him tho. That’s cool…

Thanks for the tips! I never haired a mask but hopefully I don’t suck. :mrgreen:

I’ll go check him out, thanks for the recommendation :slight_smile: