I had made a thread a few days ago about my situation with horrormerch.com they got back to me and refunded my mask. BUT NOT MY COVERALLS. so im stuck going as myers this halloween. I only have around $70 dollars now and I cant seem to find the mask anywhere at that price that will arrive before halloween. I called partycity to see if they had it in stock. I described the mask and they said they had it for $30. I was shocked. But she was taking about a rob zombie mask and not the 2018 one. RIP. Anyway im screwed and I dont know how private sellers work. I might just have to go and get a normal myers mask from H2 or something. If anyone can help me please reply this is very important to me.
you’ll have to get pretty much any Myers mask you can find at this point. (imo)
the 2018 mask sold out weeks ago and is going for absolutely stupid prices online. I don’t even think you have enough time to order a mask online, you need to go to Party City or whatever your local mask store is and see what they still have in person.
If you’re lucky maybe someone here can ship you a stock TOTs h2 or Elrod or something, and ship it immediately.
Good luck.
I just bought two H2’s from partycity.com they gave me a code to save $20 (SAVEMORE is the code) delivered by Halloween. Looking forward to getting into the rehaul business, im currently setting up shop, I fronted some money for masks (2018’s are on the way as well!) so hopefully within next few weeks I can start this thing. Anyways, good luck. Best bet is Party City. Act fast though!
I lucked out crazy yesterday morning when a H6 was all by itself on the rack on top at party city.
$59 and it is excellent looking. Way better than earlier versions.
Anyway,keep searching, drive to different party citys. Go online and see which location has one in stock. The H40 is near impossible unless you pay big $$$$ and super quick shipping.
Keep searching.
I’ve been looking since august with no luck, best indie artists barely reply or have a 6 months wait, no luck in the used market either, very little on ebay and I need a size 25" which is rare, so I’m pretty much screwed for this halloween unless you make do with a TOTS one. I’ll shoot a message to Niko Dresio mid november and see if we can come to a conclusion within next Halloween or next comic shows.