Anyone ever get a Devious repainted?

I’ve been looking at my Devious v1 and I love the sculpt of this mask. The quality is amazing to me. That being said I can’t help but think that with an amazing paint job that this mask would scream H1. Just wondering if anyone ever got theirs repainted and if so to please post some pics.

Probly help if I posted a picture of the mask with this…

Some members in the past have had theirs painted up differently than yours.
IMO It’s all in the lighting. :sunglasses:

I’d have to agree. At different angles and lighting this thing looks spot on.

Your copy should look pretty good under dark light without flash :sunglasses:

That I think is this masks strong point. In the dark it’s features come to life. Just wanted to see if peoplehave experimented because I know we have some amazing artists on this board and someone had to have been curious and tried.