Anyone Going To Monster Mania Con?

Just curious to see if anyone else is going. Malek Akkad is scheduled to be there. I’m planning on going dressed up as MM from RZH.

I will be there…Ive been to every one sinnce 7…They are a blast, very friendly and its great meeting up with people from the board…Later man

yeah they are great. it’s like one big extended family.

I will be there.NIGHT OF THE CREEPS BABY!!!

yup. i have a feeling this will be a good one… :smiley:

Im goin with my maniac

nice. im surprised theyre not focusing on RZH2. this holds special for me because at the last one in august is when i picked up my 1st mask (other than my previous dps) and was introduced to this fantasic world of fans as much as i am

Ill be there rocking a very under estimated mask…TREK R TREAT BABY!!!

I will go if Tom Atkins shows up for the night of the creeps reunion. I want him to sign my H3 DVD and a can of miller high life

i know that everyone is pushing for Tom so its a possibility

Take it to Malek to get signed :laughing:

:laughing: I think ill just do that!! i want dick to sign it

Thats awesome. Get him to sign me one too. The Champagne of Beer. That would be awesome.

You should get him to sign you truth stache James. :laughing: :laughing:

I will be there as well and still ready to confront Malek. :finga:

glad to see alot of people comming

hahah. If Tom atkins shows up i will show him pics of Halloween 2008 where i dressed up as him. Im sure he would get a kick out of it. I hope atkins shows up.

where is it located?

I would too. He’s another Halloweener ( :laughing: ) that I haven’t met yet.

Where is it? I may go myself

Cherry Hill, NJ Ron.