Anyone going to the Myers house halloween bash??

Anyone from here heading to the Myers house of NC for there first halloween bash. I know i’ll be there.

Andy :drinkers:

Damn. i would love to visit that place on Halloween Night. Its a 6 and a half hour drive for me :frowning:

I’ll See you there Andy :drinkers:

If Donnie goes, FOR SURE he would win the costume contest.

So will you be going in costume as well??? wonder how many mass produced masks will be going against us in the halloween costume contest :laughing:

I think I’ll go its not to far from me. :smiley:

Damn I’d love to go… I should have my liscense by then so hopefully I’ll be able to take the 12 hour drive haha

If I couldn’t go in costume I wouldn’t bother at all :laughing:

Uh oh, RZ competion :axe: lol

i would love to go but its clear accross the country for me :frowning:

Sweet, yeah thats not far for me at all, I’ll most likely be there. No RZ for me though, ill be dressed in original attire. Im sure you guys got me beat on the costume though!! But should i wear my nemesis or samhain?? Thanks for posting this man, i might have never known and that would have been sad, cheers :drinkers:


No problem man, id go with the nemesis. id do the true halloween look as well, but my body type says other wise. :sunglasses:

I realllllllyyyyyy want to!!!

I’m considering it!

Anyone who lives in the north east and doesn’t want to make the whole trip can crash at my house if needed I live in the upper east end of Tennessee Church Hill near Bristol, I am a 4 Hour drive for the party, so if ya want to split up the drive time and do it with a break, just let me know. :smiley:

yeah and if anyone is coming to NC to spend a night or too i’ll be staying at the MicroInn Hotel in Hillsborough NC. They have some decent rates.

I’m going up there next week, if the drive is not too bad I might come up for it, sounds like a lot of fun and Kenny is a really cool guy. I’ll talk to him about it next week

I’m gonna look into the MicroInn Hotel too its close and reasonable.

Damn, I would love to go! For anyone passing through Texas, I’ll be waiting at my front door for ya! :mrgreen:

sweet, if you do let me know what room you will be in. We can all chill and play twister lol :laughing: