Anyone know anything about cementry gate

Picked this up it’s a cemetery gate anyone know any info as I don’t know much about them thanks

What is signed inside of it? Cemetary Gates is CGP or Cemetary Gates Productions but this looks like a newer pull as 75% of Terry’s older paint yellowed. Doesn’t look like a Nemesis and it does have subtle Knife Wielder vibes but I’m not 100% sure if it’s a recast or what

Thanks I’ve just started collecting its bright white no other detail but it is embossed inside cemetery gate. Thanks for your reply, do you think it’s a newer version?

Can you help with this one nothing inside looking well worn with The Hiro embossed on the outside

Appears to be a CGP Trick or Treat with a fresh stark paint job. No idea what’s going with that Hiro. I hate to use the R-word, but I can’t imagine much else besides recasting or some serious abuse that would cause that kind of stretching and distortion. It also kind of looks like it was made to look like a hybrid of an H1 and the H4 stunt mask that I believe is/was owned by Crofader.

Thanks that’s great I love the cemetery gate one and bought the hiro from Ebay the appeal was the abuse I do have a few others too am just awaiting on the new TOTS one. Thanks again for the advice

Thanks just checked out CroFader pics awesome

WHat happened to yours? Rotted or something?

Not sure appears to be very thin latex quiet worn guy I bought it off said hed had it for years don’t know much about it.