Anyone Seen This Mask Yet ???

Hey guys…I am sure that most of you have seen this mask on Ebay !! IMO it is the best RZ Myers… I have seen since Niks Scarred mask !!! Just thought I would share it…in case there are some of you that haven’t seen it yet !!! :wink:

ya thats addisons new h9 mask. he just finished it up a few days ago

Whoops…I should have known that Addison was a member here !!! I must have missed that thread somehow !!! :blush: Anyway the mask looks killer…great price also…and I am dig"n the greenish colored cracks !!! I’m gonna have to save up and get one of these for sure !!!

i hear ya man i have to start savin up for a bunch of different masks i want and
this might be one of them.

That one is sweet, the best i have probably seen. I’m not the biggest zombie fan or fan of the masks from his movies, but the more i see them the more i want a H1RZ mask.

yea, addison in my mind is officially the king of rz masks, he did amazing work on this mask, Z