I’ve had a change of heart and don’t feel like going through the process of re hairing the mask. I’m not looking to make any money off the sale. I’m fine with it if I just break even. I’ll include the liquid latex and brown crepe hair that is currently shipping to me. The h40 mask fit me much better and I think I’m just going to go with that one. Payment can just be sent to my PayPal.
Sorry in advance, but I’m new to this community and don’t know how much something like this would go for.
How much are you looking to get for it?
Just what I paid for the Kirk if possible. $59 I believe
Not trying to change your mind and it may just be the angle of that pic, but the slit looks awfully low. I think if you’d raise that and punch a new hole you could get a better fitting mask.
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That would be a great suggestion if the mask was too small for me but it’s in fact too big lol. I actually snipped off about half an inch off the neck so it wouldn’t hit my shoulders lol
I’d be willing to buy that off of you!
Okay cool. Let me get my PayPal info for you
Okay cool. Let me get my PayPal info for you
Will you PM me? Not familiar at all with this site. Brand new user. Sorry in advance.
Just pm’d ya!