Best '78 to start with?

I’ve been drawn into the vortex that is mask collecting recently. So far I have 3 Don Post Myers masks. Not a bad start but I want to get a good '78. I’ve looked at some but I really can’t decide. Since I’m new to all this I was hoping some of you could give me some suggestions. I want a mask that is well made and as accurate to Carpenter’s '78 as possible.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


H78 delux my friend!Then get james to convert it.That mask will be 5***** to the one in the movie.Im an h2 person myself.
Take Care and i hoped this helped you! :smiley: :mrgreen:

I’m new too…and with abunch of searches it seems if you have a small head The Nemisis is a great buy…For larger head Killing Machine…And maybe a madman 78 in Classifieds…These are great looking masks that are under $150.

lets see, lol, there is the psycho from nightowl productions, h78, and a whole lot more, lmao, i just cant name all the good accurate ones, lol, Z

Any mask done up by JC_70 will do you just fine. He is the MASTER of the H1 mask.
If not then the Nightmare, Mint 75, H78, Psycho, NM78 and a few others.
Good luck in this hobby. I have a great Maniac in the classifieds.
Check it out.

Nik’s NAG H78 with JC_70 finishing in the crazy green room would be my suggestion.

if you’re looking for a '78…might as well go with MY SEVENTY-EIGHT

He will be ready for shipping next week

Mike aka AllHallowsGhost does up a badass H78! :smiley:

Man, that mask looks great!

WOW! Very nice! I wish i could afford Nik’s masks!

Yup you really can’t go wrong with a H78 done up by James Carter or AllHollowsGhost

Heres mine done up by JC

I would recomend going with a H78 blank from NikolausArtGalleries or also made by him a Classic 78 . Nik’s blanks are not always available he only has flawed ones from time to time so you need to check with him to see if he has any flawed blanks to sell . Hope this helps .

What ever snags your H-1 heart, its all preference… :sunglasses: and for me, that would be NAG/AHG H-78 Deluxe…
All fantastic artists though!

I have to agree with everyone. The NAG H78 done up right by James.

all depends on how much you are wanting to spend. but if your looking for a good 78 for a reasonable amount then i too would suggest an H78 from NAG. they are $275 shipped i believe. you dont have to have an individual artist do anything to it for you. you’ll be looking at laest $400 plus going that route. no Nikolas will paint it up nice and it will be ready to wear for 275.
send him an e-mail at

The H78 No Doubt!