…like simons “psychoSi” Creep Copy back in days…wow that was a Hell of a Creep … Hes pic also will live forever floating around in the world wide net… he is even on Tshirts and other stuffs… thats so funny XD
You really can’t go wrong with any of these masks mentioned. The Creep looks badass and I would like to own one, however…my dream mask would be one of Jay’s. Either one of them! His NAG copies are just perfect! All three of his H1 masks deserve the “Grail” status!
Hey guys, I am extremely new to mask collecting so I apologize in advance for the question. I am 43 years old, been a HUGE fan of the Halloween franchise since I first watched the original classic when I was a kid. That said, I am literally brand new and not really educated when it comes to mask collecting. I am looking to get my first quality Myers mask soon, but I am still learning the names of all the suggested artist/sculptors etc.
my question is on the wait time. From reading and researching the comments, am I looking for a wait time on average of at least almost half a year depending on the artist, with some maybe even having a 9 months to a year wait time??
I really want to get into the hobby of collecting these awesome mask, I just know that I am terrible when it comes to being patient.
You can also grab a fave 2nd hand from eBay or the Classified section here. Though the amount of Myers masks have really slowed down here lately. Good luck man!
I just finished a beautiful conversion of a tots 2 deluxe into an h1. Titled Micheloni 78 Special proto #1. Its currently listed on ebay if you would like to see more photos.