Blanks for sale?

Hey guys, I know of Kreationx and the on DCSM mask on ebay, but do you guys know of any other artists or fans that sellf blanks>

Im looking for an H1 or H2 I tried the Devils Latex they arent selling blanks, It might make it more difficult I also live in Canada?
Do you huys know any artists out there selling blanks, I want to do something else than the TOTS kirk conversion?

A H1 is also a H2 (Same Masks Hero/Stunt) The Lool depends on Converting. xD

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I know, I mean a mask that doesnt have the Warlock shape, like more narrow. The Dedicated stretch is alittle too much for me.

But I mean some H2 can be converted to H1 even if the have the horizontal stetch

sure! i saw some raw pulls on Evilbay! there are lots of i Indie makers out there some are more some are less hard to get in contact or communicate with

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TheShape1974 on here has a great H1 ready to roll in the New Year and said to me he’d be selling blanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply bro, i found Kelly on facebook just tomight, Im really interested but he said I’ll have to wait till
January. I think im going for the HCSM and ask if I can pay alittle more for a thick pull :slight_smile:

Hit up Nikos Dresios of NAG masks. He sells blanks of quite a few different h1/h2 sculpts.

this guy on bay selling a raw pull 98 kirk blank … is he legit… does anybody know something about this mask / seller … he said master copied etc. ??

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If you’re referencing this, he’s legit.

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yes thats it … some back story i found nothin in the search … have someone Converted one of this? Thx

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