C Nelson Mssg re TOTS rehauls

Hello Myers fans,
Just wanted to finally respond to all and touch base as I’ve been swamped with messages and requests about the 2018 mask and TOTS rehaul questions on IG and elsewhere. I’m SO flattered and appreciate all your inquiries, but unfortunately I simply can’t answer everyone or paint everyone’s mask… as much as I’d love to. It’s NOT personal in any way, I just don’t have the time. I’ve only done 2 and they were both for charitable reasons.
Maybe down the line someday I can knock some out, but for now, I have to concentrate on other projects. I am a huge Myers fan and love the community. I certainly do not aim to offend anyone.
Also be careful what you read… most of what I see or is sent to me to read is inaccurate. Haha.
If you have any questions, I will try to answer them… but keep in mind it may take time.
Be kind to each other

Your work has been excellent and we appreciate the ones you have painted :slight_smile: Makes it all the more fun when one of them does pop up for grabs!

Also, loved your role as Officer Francis and work on the mask in H18.

Your work is second to none Chris. Awesome job with the mask in the film as well as the masks you’ve repainted. I’m sure everyone here knows that you’re a busy man and mask painting isn’t your #1 job. Keep killin’ it man :rock:

Chris, very cool of you to take the time to address this. Love your work !!! Take care, and can’t wait to see what you have in store, for the next Halloween film.

Thanks for all the responses you’ve given me & the great support you’ve shared with the community my brother. Cheers.


:pumpkin: :drinkers: :rock:

:open_mouth: that mask is honestly 100% accurate, the one he did for wwam was gorgeous as well but yours is just crazy. Almost looks better than the hero itself!

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Nice to see you here Chris. Brilliant work on the movie. :drinkers:

Very cool to see you have an account on here! The 2018 mask is a beast!

What an honour to have you on board Chris, so wicked to have you here!!
Congrats of the film btw, It’s my favourite sequel to the original. Simply stunning job all around, your work is so inspiring to all of us alike.
Love to hear more from you! All the best!


Great job chris!!

An honor to see you here! Thank you for an amazing mask and a wonderful addition to the legacy of the series.

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That’s pretty dope!

Very cool to see you here! Great job on the movie and helping to create another awesome iteration of The Shape mask! That would be very cool if you were able to offer more rehauls down the road.

Your work is amazing Chris! I love all the detail you put into the mask. I’m 100% on board if you ever end up doing more rehaules but I completely understand if you don’t. Having a film with a mask as amazing as the one in 2018 is good enough. Great job again on it, Its made its way to my top favorite Myers mask.

welcome chris!what an honor!love your work also.hope you stick around.or even drop in every now and again.

Awesome to see you on here! Great work and great job on the movie!

It’s been a pleasure getting to talk to you in person the few times I have (with Miranda and David) and not only was it an honor to get your signature on the masks I own but to have you comment on the repaint by the amazing Joshua Church!

Cheers and probably see you soon, I’d imagine!

Can’t wait to see what he cranks out for 2020 and 2021. Loved the first rendition!