Can I Draw??

_It appears to me your title is mis leading. Can I Draw?? That is a question. I think you should change the title to " A Couple of Halloween Drawings by me" something to that effect.

That is what I think happen here._

Thank you Matthew Mayhem…I thought I was the only one who read the title.

I wasn’t dogging you and I definitely don’t think I’m better than anyone. I myself get better each day by practicing and taking my time, and I’m always being criticized–especially being a tattoo artist. The criticism is what drives me to do better. My opinion is–if you’re stating a question asking if you can draw, you should be ready for whatever anyone would have to say. I’ve never stated that the drawing was bad, just that it seemed like you did it fast. :rock: :rock:

If the line drawn profile part of these is freehand, then yes they are well done. It’s only the shaded background that looks rushed, but that is a nice contrast to the profile drawing.

looks good johnson. keep up the good work.

well charlie, there is nothing wrong with stating what could be improved but saying it looked like a 3 second job is being pure nasty imo, i appologise if i am wrong, but i think you should speak your mind, but there is a limit :wink:

Pure nasty …really… i gave him props for his drawing, read the post before you get involved, im not the one using foul language here or even worse telling him he didnt even draw it like other people before me, it seems you took it the wrong way, im done with this topic

are you serious bro? you could do a 3 second job on anything that doesnt mean it looks bad that isnt a nasty comment thats critique…if you cant handle that on i duno man thats all that happens here when people posts masks,drawings their work etc…and its not a bad thing…and plus the title of the topic is basicly asking for critique so yeah i think your wrong

where did you come from? i was talking to charlie! :unamused: anyway, all i was saying is that you were being an ass by saying he rushed it charlie, and it seems now you are trying to hide that, and you are changing the subject, so you gave him props, who cares, we aren’t talking about that are we? oh well, lets just laugh it off :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: