Can't help myself

I can’t help it. I just love this mask. Just want to share some more pics with you guys.

J.C. rocks :rock:

The hair on it is nice! JC really knows his hair! :slight_smile:

Yeah that hair is sick on that copy. :finga:


Thanks again man and glad you dig it :wink: I like the cleaner look more and more everyday! :rock:


Nice work James. A great mask!

That’s a great mask! JC really did a great job on it!

Clean paint = H1 all the way for me! :rock:

The nice hair colour looks enormously good along with the plain white.
congrats Slash and thx for sharing.

That it is sick! Very Nice.

I can’t help lookin at my JC 99H2 either :mrgreen:

Enjoy brotha :drinkers:

yeah that mask is crazy!!!

hair is insane, who did the rehair??

J.C. did everything to it. :mrgreen:

James is god!

share all you want my friend. you have right to be proud of it :rock:

Sweet mask. James has that hair down to a science. Congrats

Thanks for sharing those pic’s with us keep them comming, love JC’'s work… Dean

James does it once again… PERFECTION at it’s finest.


All I can say is WOW! :smiley:

WOW :open_mouth: simply amazing mask, congrats!