Castle scenes vs Courtney scenes in H18?

Apologies if this has been asked before, but can someone tell me which scenes in H18 had Nick Castle playing MM and which were James Jude Courtney?

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Nick was in the mirror scene only, everything else was James except for the fall down the basement stairs and sit up. That was a stunt guy.

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Awesome, thanks!

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Nick is also in a scene without the mask on, it never made the cut though

Check this video out. It seems to imply that Castle did more than one scene. Also, I heard somewhere that Nick filmed the fight scene between Dave and Michael, but it didn’t make the cut

A lot of cool shit didnt make the cut. WTF

I’m hoping in the near future we get the alternate ending in the special features for something so that somebody can try and restore it into the film, I would love to see it in action

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Nick has already said that he is only in “The mirror scene”. The rest got cut out, makes me wonder why??

Here’s what he said
Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 9.44.33 am.png

Can’t confirm but he may be a bystander in the hanging dog deleted scene

Is there a screenshot of it?

No. Purely a guess on my part. It’s the only other scene I could think of involving a group of people that actually have lines

Castle was the “FEGAWOOHH, FEGAWOOHHHH” guy at Smith’s Grove outside in the yard.

JK lol

I’d be very interested to see any other scenes with him in it. Hoping the DVD will have them…

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The sit up is JJC, the only thing that isn’t him is the mirror scene and the few seconds when he actually falls down the stairs. Other then that he did all the stunts and work. Confirmed by JJC himself when I got to meet him.

Who was the stunt guy that fell down the stairs? and why didn’t JJC do that scene?

I thought he did the sit up too, yeah that sounds right though. It felt kinda weird to me that jjc wouldnt do the sit up, I wonder where I heard my thing from

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this is the other stunt guy
Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 9.40.14 pm.jpg

It’s all good. There’s a lot of rumors that circulate with these movies and what not. Just thought I’d clear it up though. I would never have known if it wasn’t for getting to talk with the actual actor.

I was watching some behind the scenes videos and apparently he was in the scene were he takes the mask from the trunk of the car and puts it on and the mirror scene.