catalog pics

Ifound some cool dp catalog pics

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

look at the old michael myers mask titles ‘‘the mask’’ at the very bottom right!!
he looks happy
marcus :mrgreen:

Those are all from the HMA.
I’ll show ya a real catalog…

The bottom right photo of ‘The Mask’ is the earliest version of that mask; that was released for only 1 year. I have one and I know of 1 other collector with one. It’s a small ‘Kirk’ based sculpt that was done in 84 and released in 85 for 1 year and then that sculpt was changed in 85 and released in 86.

The catalog photos are taken from the HMA and EA used my catalogs for the archives. I don’t know why they all aren’t posted, he had them for almost a year to scan.

We need to see that someday.

And I heard they had to call it the mask because of legal issues which I dont think makes sense because it basically was heir mask to begin with

They called it ‘The Mask’ because everyone was wondering what ‘The Mask’ from Halloween was.

o ok thats what I heard Ididnt rely on it thanks for the info :smiley:

Well, I just bought new Cannon Rebel Camera today so maybe shortly. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing:
Happy Mickey

will omeone post a pic of what "the mask"looks like now?and I dont mean the pic they use in everything like the one kaizu posted

I have a super clear catalog shot of this. The mask is really small even for the “Lady” wearing it. Yup, a lady. :wink:

Is it the one that has those huge eyecuts?


Oh, didn’t KennyD have a copy of that? I believe it was the proto. It could of been an excellent mask if they would of fixed those eyecuts.

Yes and no. He does have a proto of some kind of an early version of ‘The Mask’ but not the proto of the exact version of ‘The Mask’ that was available in 1985. The ears on his are completely different than the mass produced one in 1985.

lol, gosh this mask is very old, and yes in this Picture it does look like he is happy, lol…

Very cool, thanks for sharing!!