Cheap H4 option?

Hi folks,

I asked this on the FB group but stuff gets passed up there easily.

H4 has grown considerably on me, and I will finally have some spending cash in the coming months (woohoo retail work). After I get all my H2 stuff together, what’s a cheap-but-solid option for an H4 mask? I’ve seen folks just buy a ToTS Kirk and convert it, or a Rubies H4 and rehaul it. Also, I’d be sending the mask off to someone (in the case of conversion) to have it rehauled/converted as I don’t have the resources, space, or know-how to do it myself.


EDIT: Someone did comment on the FB post just saying to wait til ToTS comes out with their H4. Haven’t heard a peep on that in a few months so I think I’ll pass.

I would say MCS H4. They pop up on eBay from time to time. Typically go for under $150. Otherwise your next best bet would be CGP Uncle v1 or V2…they are about $100 more.

NAG makes a really screen accurate version but they are pricey.

Thanks for the suggestions! Admittedly, really liking how the Kirk conversions look, and may end up going that way.

Yeah…I agree. I’ve been seeing those conversions lately and they look great. Especially the extremely weathered ones. Can’t wait to see what you get :slight_smile:

I’m tired of seeing poor quality conversions, but in this case a “poorly” done conversion of a tots Kirk can make for a decent H4. Cut those eyes, sponge some house paint on and it’ll look close to the real deal. And as it ages it’s gonna look even better

I’ve got an H4 coming here very soon. The master is being pulled tonight at 10-11 EST. my thread is in the projects and announcement forum :slight_smile:

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Looks wonderful! Depending on the price, will definitely consider it.

I’m a believer in affordable indie masks if that helps haha. It certainly won’t be $400 like most

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I make these bud. It’s called the Vincent’s 4
@houseofhorrorpro on Facebook or Instagram

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I think the MCSH4 is beautiful looking, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want to wear it. Very small mask!

Dude these are fantastic!!! What are you selling these for?

Ghastly has a pretty affordable h4 option.