So awesome !!! I was curious to see how Justin Mabry was involved in creating the new mask. That totally answered my question. Fantastic read and good to see Mabry having his fingerprints in this movie.
It was sculpted onto a JJC lifecast so the people who think J used a lunatic retool can take their opinions Nelson watched the whole process being done and he stopped J along the way since already loved what he saw. They then molded the sculpt, made a clay pour of that and then Nelson added the cracks, etc…is what you see in the pics. For the cracks J brought in a rotting DP85 The Mask from his collection and they used that as reference
Thanks to a friend, the lady hairing the masks is Vincent Van Dyks wife.
I just don’t get the really long grooves and cuts in the mask myself. It makes him look … sort of older I guess… but it also makes him kind of groot looking. Also Masks don’t age that way… at least the main hero didn’t. I was hoping for something a bit creepier because… the original mask is creepy as hell to me. The subtle cracks and stretching look like loose skin and the eyes are kind of hollow in a way. Also looking at some of the insert pics in this article it seems a bit too… happy? But it’s cool that Marby had some input, as he’s probably one of handful of people who can actually capture the details on this earth. Sounds like Nelson altered some of his sculpt though.
Idk, he did a better job than everybody before him save maybe the first zombie mask… but It still misses the mark for me.
Still this is really great info and he seems to have a real passion for it.
Oh yes they
As I mentioned above they used an old don post mask as reference(I saw the mask that was used).
I’ve had masks that rot that way
If you start mishandling the hero now, it’s GONNA get them wrinkles.
Keep in mind, the HERO was preserved and stored properly wheras the mask in the movie was all crumpled in some evidence bag.
Yeah I’d like to see it too. I tried googling old masks and couldn’t find anything with those giant cracks in it. I’d also love to see Marbys sculpt before they altered it to see the difference.
I could definitely be wrong I’ve been wrong before.
Also, I’m not knocking Nelson. It’s obviously artistic license and just minor nit picks on my part.
I think the middle mask looks best tbh. Maybe a few more wrinkles and stretches for the effect.
And I agree. I’d love to see an indie maker make a version. I’m not really into the idea of overhauls for masks. I doubt the tots would even fit me well anyway.
Didnt even notice this thread. I started one yesterday basically with the thought that maybe the clean is what Tots had planned to release as the second mask but couldnt after the flashback scenes werent used.
Still looking for the right artist to rehaul my 2018 ToTS. Those are obviously the best, but wish I could find something near to that, or what comes to my mind as hero.