Classic 75 JC#1 costume shots (pic heavy)

Hi everyone

I Already posted a couple of these pics in another post. Due to some interest I thought I would share the whole batch of pics I took. Some did not come out so well, others I quite like. Hope you enjoy.

thanks guys,


Nice mask. You don’t see many of these at all. I would love to see one done up H2 style, i think it would look great.

damn that thing gives of a nice H1 vibe
but also when not being stretched it gives of H2
damn nice mask


Wow man, i really love this mask. I’m gonna have to say up and get one. Great pics!

I really like that mask…

Wow very nice man!

is it me or does this mask give off a ul75 look. also congrats on the new score
and does anyone know how much nik is selling these for?

totally awesome mask man. i want one of these! :smiley:

It looks awesome on you man! This pic gives me the chills! :open_mouth: WOW!


looks great worn!

a near-perfect H1 imo :smiley:

Great pics!!

:open_mouth: I LOVE IT!!! AWESOME PICS DUDE!!!

THe mask in some of your pics looks very close to stills. Thanks for posting those, and I agree with cooperman, I’d like to see one all dirty H2 style.

I’ll be doing a couple in a H2 scheme soon. I want to do another H1 and try something different with this particular mask… any takers on a conv? :mrgreen:


that is on hell of a killer classic 75, btw close your coveralls we don’t need Mr. winkie peeking out :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Dean

Thanks guys for all the nice comments. In person this things gives me chills like no other mask. I own a KHDW and I hate to say it but IMO the classic when converted correctly looks at times more screen accurate. The detail in the sculpt is insane, and a bargain at $325!

JC you did an amazing job on this, the best paint job I have ever seen. God the hair smellls soooo good! :smiley:
Anyone considering getting one of these should not hesitate in sending them to James, you will not regret it.

Hey dadrinnin, even micky has to go pee sometimes! :laughing:

nice mask man. anything Nik comes up with is gonna look good.

That looks amazing man! Excellent shots btw. That’s one of the best masks I’ve seen

Imagine this pic with blood tears… Wowzers!