collection shots

i got bored and i realized i had never really post any collections shots i fixed up my masks…and took as many pictures as i could it has changed over the last few months! lots of new mask,
the masks in the pics are
trek or treat
Torn proto
screenused H8(so i was told)
venom 1998 mask
DP 06
FDT13 remake sack(lol)…hope you all like them!!

hope you guys like them…
marcus :mrgreen:

Not a bad start at all, especially with that Warcastle.

dude sweet collection
ive been looking all over the place for a 2006 don post to try and do up a bit…do you know anywhere i can get one?

Marcus you know I like your masks. Great stuff Bro.

thanks guys!!
appreciate the kind words my friends!
marcus :mrgreen:

I love your H8 mask. Is that an H30 Resurrected or a CS

I really like that Warcastle and the jason sack. Great stuff man!

Nice stuff bro :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
That H8 looks really nice and I love the Venom bust(?) :rock:

btw that bedspread doesen’t match you Marcus :mrgreen:


thanks man!
thats actually a venom mask!
and i took these in my grandmas room cause my brother went on a rampage looking for his ipod :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

thanks for the kind words everyone!!!

i believe thats the trek or treat not the warcastle, but great collection nevertheless