
So i watched H2 (2009) with the commentary and it made me want to watch all the films with commentary. So i put in H1 '78 from my 30th anniv. set hoping to find commentary. guess what here was none. So i put in the extended H1 '78 in search for commentary. Surprise surprise its not there. I also tried H2 '81 and H20. No commentary either. Are there any Halloween movies that have commentary besides Rob’s?

I believe 4, 5, and 8 have commentaries.

Halloween (1978) has commentary on the Blu-ray and special 2-Disc pack. HIGHLY recommended, as Carpenter, Hill and Curtis are a joy to hear talking about it. It was recorded in 1993 for the Criterion Laserdisc (which I LOVED) that was the greatest version of the movie at the time.
If you don’t have a blu-ray player, get one for Halloween (1978) alone! It’s totally worth it in Hi-Def!!!

The 25th anniversary DVD set has commentary.

of cousre the ones i didnt try have commentary :unamused: I have the blu ray version and it is amazing but i didnt realize it has commentary. I know what im doing tonight! thanks guys Oh and another question I have the “25 years of terror” disc that came with the 30th anniv. Box set. Whats the difference between the having the single disc or goin out and buying the 2 disc “25 Years of terror” set?