Cool Looking 1983 McCain Shape Mask Score

I recently got this mask and wanted to share. The original owner purchased it from a guy at Morris Costumes back in the mid-‘80s, he had it re-haired and added latex to the eyes as Sam cut them out big. I planned to have it either redone or restored back to its original look but the old work done on it has grown on me so I’m leaving it as is. The face is obviously Kirk-based, super cool to have a Myers replica only 2 years younger than HalloweeN II! :pumpkin:

Very nice find man!! I had one of these years ago. It was one of the first, if not very first Myers masks made back in the day. Sam did phenomenal. Did anyone ever find out if it was his own original sculpt or a Kirk recast?

That is absolutely gorgeous, total hero vibes.

This mask’s aura is very similar to that of some of the old-school '75 conversions. I fully support your decision to leave this gem as is, and would do the same if it was mine. What a score, Colby!

Super cool!!

Love it!
Now that’s a piece of myers history!

Indeed a piece of myers history,
Congrats my friend :slight_smile:

Wow it’s crazy how far ahead of its time this mask was. Beautiful.

Stunning. Great score man!

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What a gem, congrats!

That’s amazing, what a score :slight_smile:

Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to check it out and the comments. I agree that it has an old converted ‘75 vibe, I was blown away when I pulled it out of the box. Definitely was far ahead of its time back then.

Very cool that you owned one in the past, do you have a picture somewhere? It’s definitely not 100% Kirk as the ears are different, I think it was said that Sam used the same lifecast used to make the Don Post Kirk but it looks like he clay-pressed an original Kirk’s face. He did tell me he owned an original Kirk at the time so who knows.

Definitely related to the ‘75, at least on the face. Very rare score though, congrats!

Oh wow man. That is one of the coolest pieces I’ve seen in a while. Great score, Colby. And good to see you posting again.

I’m so glad you were able to get this mask! Super cool.

For a mask that’s 35 years old it is in incredible condition.
Nice score!

Congratulations!! Is this the one Erza from Prowler Productions redid many years ago?!?

Was this Stan Gunnho’s, mask?

Incredible score!! Still in my top 5 replicas!

Amazing score! Looks very much like the hero.