Cool Raining Red video

I just wanted to take advantage of some nice indoor lighting so I did up a little Raining Red video. I hope you guys like it. Starring who else but THRASHER as Michael Myers. I’ll have an H4 version posted in a bit.

Nice Ron. :drinkers:

Very nice Ronny!

very cool dude! :open_mouth:


Great vid! I particularly like the music!! :laughing: :mrgreen: :rock:
Some great lighting there too!

great vid :sunglasses:

id like to see some re-inactments next up :slight_smile:

Awesome Ronny!!

did you tell me you were going to get some actress that looks like JC Brandy to be in the next vid? that would be :open_mouth:

thanks fellas

Ron That was awesome! The music fit so well with that! At times it felt like I was watching part 6 :open_mouth: Bravo man, very cool :rock:

that was awesome, the music was creepy and the whole thing was just intimidating :open_mouth:

Much obliged! :smiley: