Couple Rare SSN Scores

Haven’t posted much lately. Figured a couple new scores was reason enough. Was luck enough to score some early and rare SSN pieces. The Six and H20 V1. Been wanting these masks for quite a while, thanks Harvey. Ill have to get some costume shots with these next. Thanks for looking.


With some of their other SSN friends.

fantastic masks! you have a very nicely set up collection display. thanks for the great photos!

Killer set up as usual :sunglasses:
That V1 looks pure gold!

Those look great. I really like the V1 as well.

Fantastic scores man love all your pieces there! :smiley:

Outstanding masks man and the rest of your collection looks fantastic. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: -Tom

Congratulations. Those classic SSN masks yellow up pretty good, my Sandman proto did as well, but I repainted it.

Congrats Jeremy, those are a pair of special masks.

where did you get that bad ass poster from I gotta have one!!

Very Nice!
Where did you find that V1?
I always wanted one for my H20 collection :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice Scores!!

You got a great collection there man! Much love for SSN. Congrats!

Thanks guys. Ya the V1 has rusted up pretty good. Gonna most likely have it repainted back to its original look.

JanR, got the V1 from a collector here on the board. They can be hard to find since only 30 were made but there around.

Cramer_pan, the poster is from the 30 years of terror con held in Pasadena, CA in 2008. Might be able to find one on the boards. I’m sure there will be a new poster for the 35 years of terror con in November.


Love the new scores and the deltof cases- I have 2 of them:)

you def got the most rearrest SSN pieces, especially H20 V1… Congrats…