I’m a new member to this comunity and long time HALLOWEEN series fanatic, but I’m simply amazed on how quick & accurate some of you guys are… Mannnn your good!!!
H6 coveralls are certainly not charcoal gray. The H20 coveralls are charcoal but the H8 ones were as well, not navy blue (although I just used navy blue myself).
Yeah we are “hardcore” fans who pay attnetion to every detail. I will need to check the movies out to see the colors for sure but it is hard to tell most of the time because Myers is in the dark all the time. I can settle not getting the exact brand but I want the right colors or as close as possible.
Honestly, that shot its very darkly lit and, to me, doesn’t show the true color of the coveralls. Watch the scene in Smiths Grove when he’s walking through the brightly lit halls. The coveralls are obviously a light gray.
I 'm a crazed fan myself, I just don’t dress up like Mike. Therefore I never needed to know exactly what coveralls Myers sported in each film… Although, I have seen them enough times to know he does have a more greyish look in H6 opposed to the darker blue look in the other films…
H6’s are light gray not dark! Wilbur wore Dickies but Michael Lerner wore Red Kaps, you can tell in the scene at smiths grove cuz the zippers are angled, just like the Red Kaps here http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/Uniforms/coveralls.html
order the light gray and you will have decent H6 coveralls.
I think Drentheliar was accurate on the charcoal grays for 7 and 8
Yeah I seen light gray looking on here too in the gallery of screen used shots. So which coverall exactly do I need on the site, the ones with the angled zippers? Or the pockets? I hate to have 8 different pairs of coveralls because I don’t have the room for that many. I think part 2 was green if I remember, and part 1 navy blue? Not sure. I got some gray fisher stripe already for part 4 and 5. But yeah which ones are for 6,7,and 8 for sure on that site?
H1-Charcoal Big Macs
H2-Spruce Roebucks (but you’d be hard pressed to find Roebucks anymore I believe)
H4/H5-Fischer stripe, navy blue?
H6-Gray Dickies (with angled zipper pockets)
H20/H8-Charcoal Red Kaps
I could be wrong on some of that but I’m 95% sure I’m right.
Thanks. Yeah part 4 and 5 are heavily weathered grey, you can also see this in this scene where the mechanic is under the car wearing them which are clearly grey striped. Also in the shotgun fight scene on top the stairs. But the rest sounds right. Like I said I am not too concerned with brand if I can’t get it but want the colors close.