Creep 2018...

This was a thread asking about a specific copy of a Nightowl mask. No idea why you decided to jump in just to say you hate Justin’s work. Counterproductive. This is the wrong place to bash artists’ work.

If only I had the money to get something like that… :astonished:

Can you read? The guy asked for EVERYONE’S opinion. I never used the word hate. Don’t try to turn this on me like I did somwthinf wrong

You went from “respecting my opinion” to being all butt hurt. I was o ly kidding around when I said Justin was paying you. No need to get in your feelings.

Let’s cool it. We can respect each other’s opinions, No need to make this go south.

Just wondering how come you don’t see the Michael in Justin’s work haha. I guess it depends on the copy. But man, his older creeps, ESPECIALLY the early runs, captures that great H1 look all around.

I love Justin’s work, but I don’t like some of the masks he recently finished as much as I hope.

I love NAG too, I think his sculpts are so damn accurate, once you get a mask from him, like a castle 75k and with the right finish, bam, H1.

This is a picture by Kaizu. He photoshopped his creep mask into the hero. His creep is an older creep, 2010 I believe. I think early run creeps are some of Justin’s best work.

Always loved this photo! I have to find his Warlock hospital scene comparison. His H2 Creep is magnificent as well! I tend to agree about the earlier NightOwl. I love the prominent details in the earlier runs, especially the Creep, Psycho and Maniac

I love his older works. His highlights are the early run creeps and Psychos. Man, if he nails the hair and paint down, it will look so good! But to be honest, there’s a lot of psychos out there that look so different haha, but that’s good! More diversity! If literally everyone have the same exact mask and copy, imagine how boring the mask will be. We will all get tired of seeing the same thing over and over again!