Crowbar vs frying pan


Well he is portraying a “man” in 2018…so what do ya expect?

He did just get Shot in the Chin and Stabbed.
And he wasn’t knocked out because of the frying pan, that was due to him falling down the steep stairs. Plus he was more just knocked back by the pan - he got knocked back the first time, then uppercut when standing near the edge of the entrance to the basement.



No one can kick the boogeyman’s ass with a frying pan!! Ridiculous! Now put some butter in that pan and it’s a different story lol


Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that Michael gets hit in the face with a frying pan, then rolls down a staircase immediately afterwards? I mean, that is 100% classic slapstick if I’ve ever seen it :laughing:

The idea of it is funny but I think the execution was good enough to not let it be funny. The fight was pretty intense imo.

Agreed. Other than the excellent mask, I thought the build up to and culminating fight, was the highlight of the movie. That it was Laurie, I thought was brilliant.

Definitely! I can imagine the absolute terror Laurie was experiencing when Michael had her pinned up against the wall and tilts his head. The part where she is checking room to room had me on the edge of my seat, it was suspenseful as hell!


People acting like Michael should take every single physical contact without so much as a flinch is as irritating as it is silly.