Custom vintage Halloween figures!!!!

got these custom made(except for regular myers) from a guy on ebay. there realy top quality and only 40 bucks a figure!!! he does anything you will ask of, all the backs of the figures have the toy lineup on them!! :open_mouth: contact him through ebay for more info, im told he might not be able to make another loomis and has limited parts for the sheet myers and laurie. i have him making me next, a part 2 jason, unmasked michael myers, john carpenter, and maby vigo from ghostbusters 2 for a friend of mine.

this jason was made to look like the end of the 3rd movie, its hard to see, but i requested he try to make the package look 3Dā€¦the blood on the kenner logo and the head are the most visiable parts.


Those figure are pretty cool but what makes them so special IMO is the packaging that they come inā€¦so retro :rock:

he can put anything on themā€¦screen shots, stills, etcā€¦ realy, realy nice guy to deal with. ebay name is ā€œpopsfartbergerā€. tell him i sent ya :wink:

Now that Iā€™ve looked at all his figures, Iā€™ve gotta say theyā€™re definitely cool, but I wouldnā€™t pay $40 for one. The Kenner thing still bugs me, though. Haha.

Thatā€™s awesome!!! I love the Laurie Strode!!!

Loomis stole his jacket from Gambit haha. :laughing:

love them figures.

GODā€¦!!! wouldā€™nt it b so rad 2 have a escaped michael myers figure and halloween 2 dick warlock edition with the black shirt underneath, instead of the white shirt. :wink:


Very cool :sunglasses:
I love the Kenner vibe to them :rock:

F-ing awesome! Are these made from disparate GI Joe partsā€¦? Howā€™s the paint? Is it acrylic or something more professional?

Iā€™m thinking of ordering a custom figureā€¦

Thanks for posting.

Dude thats freaking bad!

there very nice quality work, the laurie is amaving in personā€¦has a real cloth shirt. myers has a knife, and jason has a harpoon gun as well. paint wise there on a scale of 1 to 10, i would say a 8 to 9. there are some smaller areas that could use a little touch-up, but im not opening them :laughing: and as far as parts, there a bunch of everything realy, the myers body looks old school gi-joe, as where the lauries head is very modern and detailed liiking as well as her legs(maby star wars parts?? i dunno) and theres loomisā€™s jacket, which is a snake eyes jacket from the new gi-joe toys. i showed him the cochran figure ā€œkirk magnumā€ posted and he sed it was a old remco phantom of the opera figure!!! he didnt make it, but he can :wink: